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Les Choristes

Sara is now in her second year of secondary school. The last week before the holidays, she watched a film in her French class, Les Choristes (The Chorus, 2004). Her teacher's favourite film! Because Sara was so impressed with it as well, we watched it as a family during the vacation. And we were all equally charmed by it.

Les Choristes is a film about a boarding school for 'difficult' boys, set in the French countryside in 1949. The school's headmaster is extremely strict, mean even. Many of the boys are traumatised because of the war and the losses they suffered in their family. The atmosphere in the school is far from great. The troubled boys struggle in their depressing surroundings... Until one day, a new teacher comes to the school and he assembles a choir, which leads into a total transformation of the children.

Elements of Les Choristes are based on a true story. The film is about talent, chance, hope and positivity, and how one person can make a considerable change in one's path of life. If you haven't seen it, do watch it. It is just absolutely wonderful! Very touching and moving... I can't recommend it enough. Great for children aged 8 and older, I would say.

xxx Esther

PS Some great family films from the 80s