Summer salad with bulgur and three seeds

Summer salad with bulgur and three seeds

This summer salad with bulgur and three seeds (pumpkin, sunflower and pine nuts) is such a thankful dish to make! It's the perfect companion to any kind of dish but we've mostly been eating it with grilled vegetables, cheese, fish or meat. It has a lovely taste (nutty, fresh and creamy) and an interesting texture.

It can be prepared beforehand and keeps in the fridge for a few days. So easy! It's great to bring along for picnics or as a lunch bot staple as well!

Here's the recipe:

Summer salad with bulgur and three seeds

  • 3 cups of cold, cooked bulgur (I like to use extra coarse bulgur). One royal cup of uncooked bulgur makes about three cups of cooked bulgur.

  • 1 cucumber, deseeded and diced

  • 1/3 cups pumkin seeds

  • 1/3 cups sunflower seeds

  • 1/3 cups pinenuts

  • 100 g fresh goat cheese 'pearls' (Regular fresh goats cheese also works but is less pretty. If you can find the little balls I would get those!)

  • juice of 1/2 lemon

  • 1 tbsp good olive oil

  • 1/4 cups finely chopped parsley, mint and coriander

  • p&s

Toast the pumpkin seeds, the sunflower seeds and the pine nuts (all separately) in a dry frying pan. Never leave the pan or the seeds will burn. (Don't do it!) The pumpkin seeds are fun to toast as they will start to pop! Set aside when the seeds are golden brown.

Mix the olive oil and the lemon juice with the bulgur. Add all of the remaining ingredients except for the goat cheese and mix well. Add pepper and salt to taste.

Last, mix the goat cheese through carefully.

Done! You can serve immediately or keep in an airtight container in the fridge until you're ready to eat it.

I have also served this bulgur salad over steamed broccoli, making it a bit more of a substantial dish by itself and that way perfect for a lunch or for a light supper.


xxx Esther


Quiche of Red Beet Greens and goat cheese. Delicious!


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