The best Dutch Pancakes recipe!

We Dutchmen love our pancakes! They're eaten for lunch or dinner, but not, traditionally, for breakfast. We like them savoury (with cheese or bacon), or sweet -- with apple, raisins or banana and with topping like icing sugar or treacle. The Dutch even combine the salt and the sweet: we poor treacle over our bacon pancakes! Yum! In summer, I like to serve Dutch pancakes with sugar and lemon wedges. And I DO serve them for breakfast too ;).

Here's my recipe, which I KNOW is THE best Dutch pancakes recipe:

THE best Dutch pancakes recipe

  • 250 g flour

  • 500 ml or 2 cups of milk

  • 3 eggs

  • 1/2 bag baking powder (or 8 grams, or 2 teaspoons)

  • 3 tablespoons of sugar

  • a good pinch of salt

Beat the eggs. Combine flour with baking powder, sugar and salt. Add eggs to flour, combine, and add a third of the milk. Whisk to get rid of lumps, then add rest of the milk in parts. Get rid of all the lumps. (You can leave the batter to stand for up to an hour to improve, but don't bother if you're in a hurry.)

Heat up a large frying pan. Melt butter in the pan, and pour in batter (I use a ladle). Evenly cover the bottom of the pan while trying to make the pancake as thin as possible. This is easiest if you pick up the pan and swirl the batter around. Flip pancake over when golden. Maybe try to throw it in the air and flip it over that way! Cook the other side as well. Stack up pancakes and serve with sugar and lemon for a yummy summer lunch! Enjoy!

xxx Esther

PS For the stack in the photo above I doubled the ingredients.


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