Knights party invites, using lino printing

For Christmas my thoughtful husband gave me a set of lino cutting tools and some card-size sheets of linoleum. Do you remember linoleum cutting from when you were a kid? The smell of linoleum brought me right back to the craft room of my primary school in the countryside -- amazing, the memories smells can bring back to you.

Knights party invites

With Pim's 5th 'knights birthday party' fast approaching I had good reason to make a stamp: the knights party invites! Pim had been requesting a knights party, so I asked him to draw a knight for me. I transferred his knight to the piece of linoleum -- you can trace the drawing on tracing paper using a soft pencil, put it face down on the linoleum and rub so the drawing transfers on the stamp, or use old-fashioned carbon paper (another thing from the past).making knights party invitesAfter having cut out the stamp, which takes a bit of time but is extremely relaxing, you can ink the drawing using block printing ink and a little roller, and press down on a piece of paper. A rolling pin works well to press the stamp down evenly. Carefully lift the lino up and let dry. Done!!Knights party invitesKnights party invitesYou can also print on fabric using fabric paint -- the possibilities are endless...That was fun! And I already know how I'm going to decorate the party bags!!xxx Esther


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